Monday, December 24, 2012

Amazing Video

This is an amazing video from the folks at Preaching Today! A Blessed Christmas to one and all.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Norwegian Lefse

Last night my wife and I made our annual Norwegian lefse (pictured above). It is a flat bread made mainly of potatoes and flour. We like to eat it at Christmas time, and for me it brings back very pleasant memories of my childhood years when we used to celebrate Christmas with my Norwegian grandparents and eat all of the traditional dishes. There are several different types of lefse, here is our recipe.

5 cups of mashed and riced potatoes (cool them)
1/3 cup of cooking oil
1 tbsp of salt
2 1/4 cups of flour (we use 1 cup of whole wheat flour and 1 1/4 cup of white flour)

Lefse is eaten in several different ways. We like to eat ours with: cinnamon and sugar (can use either white or brown), various flavours of jams or jellies, and I personally like it with peanut butter too!

God bless you this God jul as you celebrate the birth of Jesus and feast on lefse or whatever happens to  be your traditional Christmas fare!