Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Creative Challenge 267: Corner

You never know what might be around the corner of your railway station. In this case it was a garbage can! :-) Check out the other entries here.


Tim .. Another MP Refugee said...

What a great example of life itself. No matter how majestic our exterior and no mattr how utiliutarian we were, in the end we all end up in the garbage rotting away into the ground.

Dim Lamp said...

True of finite physical being, we are mortals, and our years of life on this earth are numbered. However, our spiritual being is not finite, and shall live on in life-eternal after death - so I believe.

MitchyLR said...

Very good shot!! The old rail station near where I live is no longer used for trains, it has been converted into a restaurant. So turning the corner you are likely to see people studying the menu.

Danette said...

I really like this corner, garbage can or not!

Dim Lamp said...

Thanks MitchyLR, and Danette for your comments. This railway station used to see lots of people departing and arriving, but alas, unfortunately less so now, as our passenger rail trains are no longer an everyday service.

Unknown said...

nice corner!

Pat Gerber-Relf said...

There is always a garbage can somewhere, the main thing is that the lid is on it. I like the railway station.

tesstruhartz said...

excellent view, how many people wandered around that corner waiting to be picked up.

Dim Lamp said...

You're right, over the years, there were many.

Belita Isabel Janeira said...

Excellent entry!!!