Sunday, March 13, 2016

Profound Augustine quotation

The following quote, attributed to Augustine of Hippo, is quite profound and provides food for thought.
is a

and those who don't travel only read one page."
   I personally know this to be true. In my travels to different places-whether here in Canada or other countries-I believe that it has expanded my horizons, and facilitated growth and inspiration as well as a deeper appreciation for other people, their culture and history, as well as God's creation.
   The photo of the Bible I deliberately inserted into this post also reminds me that there is a huge, wonderful world within the Bible itself-the greatest book ever written, which continues to be a best-seller. If we dig deep into the Bible we shall be deeply enriched in our faith and life journey. Augustine's quote, I think, can also be applied to the world of the Bible. If one doesn't travel much into its pages, then it is like reading only one page, and we then lose out on so much of what God wants for each one of us. So, dear readers, be sure to do a lot of travelling in the world of the Bible, there are discoveries beyond measure, just waiting for you! :-)  

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