Saturday, April 1, 2023

Anglican, Lutheran, Moravian Clergy Retreat

On March 21, 2023, Anglican, Lutheran, and Moravian clergy gathered at Moravian Camp Van Es, for a retreat and the opportunity to get to meet one another.

This was the first—to the best of my knowledge—such historic event of its kind, here in Alberta. It was organized in anticipation of the acceptance and signing of the proposed document: One Flock, One Shepherd: Lutherans, Anglicans and Moravians—Called to Walk Together in Full Communion later this year. 

The schedule of the retreat was as follows: 

1. Welcome & Worship

2. Break

3. Panel Conversation with Bishop Steve London (Anglican), Bishop Larry Kochendorfer (Lutheran), and the Rev. James Lavoy (Moravian)

4. Lunch

5. Small Group Breakouts

6. Communion & Closing

The small groups were given the following questions for discussion: An introductory Who are you? Name; your current ministry context; One Word describing your Hope/Prayer/Vision for the Church today. Then three addition questions: 

1. 3 most significant priorities our churches are being called to respond to in our place and time. In our group, I suggested that the churches continue with the process of truth and reconciliation actions to improve and, by God’s grace, heal our relationships with Indigenous Peoples.

2. Brainstorm 1-2 new ideas each for something you would like to see our churches begin to do together rather than separately (either at the parish/congregational level or the diocese/synod/district level).

3. Share 1 new personal commitment you each feel called to make towards living out our full communion partnership in your ministry context over the next year.

One thing I learned at the retreat was that Moravians have been in Labrador since 1750! One of their missionaries translated the Bible into an Inuit language.

My contact with Moravians over the years reminds me of my appreciation of their emphasis on and gift of music—their hymnbook contains many wonderful hymns. When I was a chaplain with the Bethany Group, I enjoyed several engaging conversations with a resident who was a retired Moravian professor—and who played the saxophone and sang in choirs.

All-in-all, the clergy retreat was an instructive and inspiring one—I look forward to similar events in the future. 

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